Data protection


The protection of personal data is of great importance for many internet users and an important basis for pleasant and satisfactory use of the internet. The Hch. Kettelhack GmbH & Co. KG pays great attention to the questions and concerns of its customers and other visitors to the website in respect to the data protection and adheres to the data protection laws in Germany and abroad as well as the respectable directives of the EU. Whether you are customer or visitor to our website; we hereby assure you that we will not ask for any personal data, unless these are provided by you. Please bear in mind that our website contains links to other websites. The Hch. Kettelhack GmbH & Co. KG assumes no responsibility for the adherence to data protection, privacy policies and contents of these other websites. The Hch. Kettelhack GmbH & Co. KG is only responsible for its own contents according to common laws. The user has to differentiate between the cross-references (links) to contents provided by other firms and our own contents. Through these cross-references, the Hch. Kettelhack GmbH & Co. KG provides these „third party websites“ solely for using. The Hch. Kettelhack GmbH & Co. KG can only be held responsible if there is evidence of illegal use and it is technically feasible and reasonable to prevent its use. (§5 Sec.2 TDG)

“Links” are always „living“ (dynamic) cross references. With the first linking the Hch. Kettelhack GmbH & Co. KG has checked the contents whether they might possibly trigger civil or criminal law proceedings. However, the owner is (according to the Tele Services Act) not liable for frequently checking such internet content for changes which could constitute grounds for such responsibility. It is not until he determines or is informed by a third party that a specific service or product, to which it has provided a link, triggers liability under civil or criminal law, that it will remove the reference to this product or service, provided that this is technically feasible and reasonable. The technical possibility and reasonableness shall not be influenced by the fact that the unlawful or illegal offering can be accessed from other servers even after the prevention of access by the Hch. Kettelhack GmbH & Co. KG.

Data we collect from you

Personal Data
We don’t collect any personal data from the visitors of our website, unless the visitor provides them expressively and consciously. Under no circumstances do we collect personal data which refer to racial or ethnical origin, political views, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership in a trade union, health or sexual orientation. If you merely visit our website we do not collect any personal data. There are two instances in which you may explicitly and consciously provide us with and consent to our collecting certain personal information: E-Mail enquiry concerning information or registration for manuals or seminars. On our website we provide links which you can use for the following:

to send us e-mail messages or ask questions, to order information or material, to register for manuals or seminars or to register for sending us suggestions or remarks. You have the option to get information on our products and services through personal contact with our staff. In order for us to process your query we might request additional data like for example your name or your telephone number.

Website Analysis
This website uses Google Analytics, a web-analysis service of the Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses so-called “Cookies”, text-files, which are stored on your computer and which enable us to analyse your use of our website. Information generated by the Cookie about your use of our website (including your IP Address) is sent to a Google server in the USA and is stored there. Google will use this information to evaluate the use of our website, to compile reports about the website activities for the website owners and to render further services in connection with the use of the website. Google might convey this information to third parties, provided this is required by law or insofar as third parties process these data on behalf of Google. Google will, under no circumstances, connect your IP-address with other data of Google. You can prevent the installation of Cookies by using the respective function in your browser software; however, we would like to point out that in this case you might not be able to use all the functions of this website. By using this website you agree to the processing and saving of your data which are compiled by Google in the afore mentioned manner and for the afore mentioned purpose. You can object to this use of your personal data at any time. In light of the discussions about the use of analysis tools with complete IP addresses we would like to point out that this website uses Google Analytics with the extension “anonymiezelp()” and thus IP addresses are processed only in abbreviated form in order to exclude direct reference to a person.

[google_analytics_optout]Click here to opt-out.[/google_analytics_optout]


If you request one of our services we’ll need certain data from you. Depending on the product or service we’ll collect different data from you. With certain products and services we’ll need to know your name, age, address, telephone number, e-mail address, credit card number, bank account number, IP-address or similar information. A complete list of the types of personal data which have to be entered with the order of the different products can be found on the order page for the respective product or service.

Statistical data regarding your visit
If you visit our website, our computer automatically registers statistical data regarding your visit. These data don’t contain any information about you but they give us information in regards to your visit of our website. We keep statistical data only about the number of visitors of our website, the IP-address of the user, date and time of your visit, the pages you view, domains which you use when visiting our website and browsers which you use. The statistical data are not aligned anonymously and are deleted regularly. These statistics help us improve the performance of our website.

Use of Cookies
Cookies are used only in the way explained in this chapter. A “Cookie” contains information which is sent from our website to your browser; it stores this information on your system. If Cookies are used our website can ‘remember’ information about you and your settings, either until you close the current browser window (temporary Cookies) or until you deactivate or delete the Cookie. Many people use Cookies because they can help with the navigation on a website. You can be assured that Cookies contain only those data which you approve of and that they are not able to penetrate your hard drive and thus transmit your personal data to the sender of the Cookie.

We apply „Cookies“ in the following situations only. The first situation refers to temporary Cookies. Temporary Cookies are used in two cases. If you want to access our services via an online application our web-server transmits a temporary Cookie to your browser which facilitates your navigation on our website. The only thing contained in this temporary Cookie is a reference point. With the help of this reference point our software can determine which page you want to view when you press the ‘return’ button in your browser. The Cookie is deleted as soon as you close the browser window. If you access our website via a web site of one of our business partners our web-server sends another temporary Cookie to your browser which contains a code of origin’ for this business partner. We use these data for our statistics and for marketing purposes.

If you are licencee of the Hch. Kettelhack GmbH & Co. KG and you access an area of the website which is access-controlled we place a temporary Cookie for the connection to show that you were authenticated. These Cookies contain random data which the server uses for authentication of the browser-requests to the server within this session. The Cookies contain no data which can identify you personally. The Cookie is deleted as soon as you close the current browser window. The second situation where we place Cookies is the request for documentations, services or other queries to us within the scope of your visit to our website. If you fill in a form you can choose if our website shall send a Cookie to your hard drive. In this case it is not a temporary Cookie and you can delete it any time via your browser settings. If you don’t accept this type of Cookie you can still use our website. If you accept this type of Cookie you save time because repeated filling in of forms and/or follow-up visits to our website are not necessary. Even if you have accepted this type of Cookie you can set your browser at any time so that you receive a message if a Cookie is sent to you. You always can decide, if you want to accept the Cookie or not.

How we deal with your personal data and whom we share them with
The personal data collected from you are used for the following purposes:

Sending Replies
As a rule we reply to all queries, requests for information concerning products, service and other questions which we receive by e-mail. This correspondence is filed for the purpose of improving our products, service and our website as well as for business purposes. Often we save contact information so that we can send updates or important information pertaining to our products and services to you (also by newsletter).

Support, Renewal and Purchase of our Products and Services
We use the data transmitted by you to inform you about support, renewals and purchase of our products and services. We also pass on your data to partner companies, business partners or subsidiaries of the Hch. Kettelhack GmbH & Co. KG (within and outside of the European economic area) so that they can contact us regarding support, renewal or purchase of products and services of the Hch. Kettelhack GmbH & Co. KG.

Allocation of interesting products and services
If at all, we pass on your data only to trusted business partners or suppliers (within and outside of the European economic area) of the Hch. Kettelhack GmbH & Co. KG whose products and services supplement the products and services of the Hch. Kettelhack GmbH & Co. KG from our point of view and which might be interesting for you. Our trusted business partner or-suppliers can then contact you directly.

Allocation of Products contained in the Scope of Delivery and Services (when requesting certain Services or certain Management Services)
The scope of services of certain services of the Hch. Kettelhack GmbH & Co. KG contains additional products and services of third parties. When acquiring such services we might transmit your data in whole or partly to third parties (within and outside of the European economic area) so that they can allocate this product or service and inform you regarding this product/service or an upgrade. We ensure you that we have agreements with these third parties which exclude the transmission of these data to third parties (according to the data protection provisions).

Authentication of your Identity
For certain services of the Hch. Kettelhack GmbH & Co. KG it is necessary that we compare some data in your order/application with data-bases of third parties or other sources of information of third parties. Through this we check your identity as well as other characteristics and make sure that your identity is not used abusively.

Disclosure and Protection of Licenses required by Law
In case there is a legal requirement to pass on data to local, federal, national or international agencies or crime agencies we comply with this requirement (for example, according to our export licenses we can transmit the identity of purchasers of certain Software products to the Bureau of Export Administration of the US Ministry of Commerce).
Furthermore we will disclose data to third parties, if current laws, rules and regulations require this. In addition the Hch. Kettelhack GmbH & Co. KG is authorised to disclose information for the purpose of examining or preventing illegal activities or a cases of fraud or to commence preventive measures or to enforce or apply contracts and licencing rights of the Hch. Kettelhack GmbH & Co. GmbH.

Sometimes we might ask our customers to submit data within the scope of a survey. Participation in these surveys is entirely voluntary and thus our customers are free to disclose their data or not. These data will then be used for the monitoring and the improvement of this website as well as for the improvement of our service and product line.

Objection to future Notifications
Sometimes we inform our customers about new products, announcements, upgrades and updates. This is mostly done through a newsletter. If you don’t wish to receive any further notifications contact us at the address shown at end of the data protection statement or click the button „discontinue newsletter“ which you can find on the respective page. Please note that you cannot refuse the notifications for safety, first-time use, expiration date, product improvements or services which were sent by us or on our behalf. If you have received a notification from one of our trusted partners or suppliers or if we have already transmitted your data to our trusted partners or suppliers, you might have to notify them directly that you don’t want any further notifications.

Our Safety Measures
Protection of all personal data which we receive from the visitors of our website and our customers is an important part of our company philosophy. We assure you that your personal data are protected from loss, abuse and alteration through our safety measures. As with all transmitting of data via the internet there is a remaining risk when sending personal data. In order to minimise this risk we encrypt the data you send to us when ordering products and services with the help of SSL (Secure Socket Layer-Protocol).

Accessing, Correcting or Updating of your Data
If you alter or correct personal data or if you simply just want to know the content of the data file we store about you, please contact the address which you can find at the end of this data protection statement. If you use this function your e-mail address will be shown as sender of this e-mail. Neither your e-mail address nor that of the recipient is used for any other purposes.

All texts, photographs and graphs shown on our website as well as their arrangements are subject to copyright and other laws for the protection of intellectual property. They may not be copied, altered, used for business purposes, or used on other websites. Some internet pages contain pictures which are subject to copyright of those who provide them.

Modifications of this data protection statement
Should any fundamental modifications in this data protection statement be made we will announce this on our website.

Contact with us or our data protection representative
Data protection representative of the Hch. Kettelhack GmbH & Co. KG:
WIR Solutions GmbH
Name: Claus Wissing
Phone: +49 2571/540-40-200

Hch. Kettelhack GmbH & Co. KG
Birkenallee 183
D-48432 Rheine

Telephone: +49 59 71/8 64-0
Telefax: +49 59 71/8 64-1 03
